A safe that contains personal assets is sitting among hanging clothes in a closet


The basics on the types of assets, how to protect them and when it's time to liquidate.

Many people associate the term assets with wealthy people who own multiple homes or large stock portfolios. But regardless of your financial status, you likely have possessions of value. 这些财产就是你的资产.


An asset is property or capital owned by a person or company that has an economic value. 金融 assets are investments that include stocks and corporate bonds as well as other securities.

An asset is an item that can be converted to cash — in simple terms, sold for money. 如果你有房子,它可能是你最有价值的资产. Besides real estate, other common personal assets of value include:

You probably have many other belongings, which technically are also assets. 但并不是所有这些物品都有很大的价值. It's important to note that the value of an item is what you would receive if you sold it — which differs from its replacement cost — or the price of buying the same item again.

The total of your assets minus your liabilities (what you owe) determines your 资产净值.



流动资产, also known as short-term assets, can be converted quickly and easily to cash. The most common liquid assets are checking and savings accounts, 因为你可以在需要的时候提取资金. 应急资金 are often kept in savings or money market accounts for this reason.

Other liquid assets include life insurance policies that have a cash surrender value, 储蓄债券, stocks and certificates of deposit without withdrawal penalties.

固定资产, 或者长期资产, aren't as accessible as liquid assets because they're not easily convertible to cash. 固定资产的例子包括你的汽车, 收藏艺术品或古董, 珠宝, 还有房地产, 比如你的家.


你通过储蓄和规划来建立资产. 当你建立你的资产时, it's important to insure and keep a record of them in case of burglary, 火灾或者其他灾难.

应记录流动资产. 考虑 保持文档 -包括帐户号码, 证书和pp王者电子官网单——放在安全的地方, 比如银行的pp王者电子官网箱或者 居家消防安全. Just in case, make copies of original documents and back up computer files regularly.

固定资产 should also be tracked ― record both their value and replacement cost. 有一个彻底的和可访问的 家里的库存 在发生损失的情况下可以协助恢复. Start by assessing the value of significant items, like a home and car. Move on to other items that you can easily take photos or video of to store with receipts or appraisals. Don't forget to update your inventory when you add assets, or if items change in value.

Lastly, make sure you're not the only one who knows w在这里 and how to access these important records. 你的配偶, a grown child or a trusted friend should know necessary computer passwords and have access to safes and safe deposit boxes.


想买个房子? Or 做点小生意? Liquidating assets is one way to access money when you need it.

当你变现时,要做得聪明些. Make a plan based on the money you need, and know the current value of your assets before selling. 咨询专业人士,寻求专业销售方面的帮助, 比如房地产或艺术品收藏.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third-party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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A personal 资产净值 statement is a snapshot of an individual's financial health, 在一个特定的时间点上. It is a summary of what is owned (assets), less what is owed to others (liabilities).

A personal 资产净值 statement is a snapshot of your financial health. 使用工作表来帮助你确定你的.